Sunday, February 06, 2005

The unread books

I have a very distinguished pile of unread books adorning my bedside. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susannah York is so very much a book that I should want to read it is scary. However I seem to have read the first 30 pages and am hoping for an extended convalescence or something so I can really bite into that one. Given that work has not been especially busy lately, I do wish I could read at work. It is probably not one of my best ideas though.
The next book that I am reading (or at least carrying with me everywhere including restaurants) is A Darker Place by Laurie King, who really is one of my favorite mystery authors these days, along with P.D.James and maybe Dennis Lehane. I like my mysteries on the dark side evidently. This one is a very smooth read and it will probably be done by the end of this week. The nice thing is I have not read too many of King's other novels besides the Kate Martinelli ones and the earlier Mary Russell books. I shall have a grand time catching up I hope.
Another book that is on my bedside table (or would be if I had one, its an upturned carton from my move of six months back) is Labyrinths by Borges. Yes I know it is criminal that I have not read anything by Borges before this. Seriously though, this is a book that I am really enjoying partly because of how amazing it is, and partly because I can take my time and savor it piece by piece. Then I have a couple of others that are unopened as of yet though I am really looking forward to reading them There is Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States and the Douglas Hofstadter et al edited The Mind's I.
Hmm, I realise that makes only five, but that is because I just finished ELizabeth Peters' Crocodile on the Sandbank which is of course the start of her Amelia Peabody series. It was a very nice quick read, two hours at a coffee shop over white chocolate mocha read in fact! This could be one series I could get into, though I will surely be disappointed by about the third book in the series, going by past records.
P.S.: Oh but I forgot, I also bought Bulgakov'sThe Master and Margarita and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. So those are in a bag and out of sight but on the floor next to the bed too.


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