Ask not for whom the phone rings...
Don't get me wrong, calling up friends and family is not really a chore. I do however feel like screaming and hiding when the phone rings on Sunday mornings. The thing is that when friends and family live far far away, the telephone call once a week is pretty important. However consider now the fact that all the people I 'should' speak with at least once a week by rights, are a phone call rather than a cab-ride away these days. Hence the scrambling to keep up with everyone and the guilt that comes with postponing those calls.
Hence also the empty replies to the same questions from parents, sister-in-law, best friend from sixth grade, cousin who lives in Singapore, friends from Grad school(s) and ex who is a friend. How is everyone doing? How about [insert suitable names]? Yes the weather is nice and oh I saw a great movie and work is busy but nothing new. Nope nothing new with my life. Yes I am fine and I will call next week. Bye now.
P.S.: To all my lovely friends and family who read this blog, please do not take this personally! I love you all and no calls would be a far worse state of affairs than what I describe above...